Comment history with EyeLuvMeesun
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 comments
lmao you think steven is mean too? :P
Tung is like.......iono he's nice, but mean at the same time I think
Steven, yes. Tung is usually friendly, just a bit strange.
I was gonna say "the URL isn't working", but I guess you figured that out already heheh.
why does everyone think I'm that "immortal" guy? Honestly I don't know why you all think it's me....
Fits the profile? Whoa.... is he as bad as Tung and Steven(referring to the unfriendliness)?
I just checked the url, and apparently its disabled.
To my knowledge, he isn't a child molester, but he fits the profile perfectly.
It put a bunch of spaces in it.
http://www.createblog.c om/forums/
index.php?act=Sear ch&nav=au&CODE=
show&searchid =0bc059b3ee3041589ff
e67cda70 2fdaf&search_in=posts&res
ult _type=posts
Merge all that crap. Cb put a bunch of spaces in the url.
When I pasted the url in my browzer it gave me a 4o4 error. Mind giving me a usable one to see? :D
More safe? 0.0 Was this person a child molester or something then?
http://www.createblog.com/foru ms/index.php?act=Search&nav=au &CODE=show&searchid=0bc059b3ee 3041589ffe67cda702fdaf&search_ in=posts&result_type=posts
The biggest difference I've noticed is that you would be a bit more safe around kids.
no way.... I do?
maybe he's/she's just as cool as I am heheh
I've gotten no clue of who you are reffering to though.
Was the person who you are talking about a good person? or did they leave because noone liked them?
Enlighten me a bit will you ol chap?
FOSL is illmortal, we caught him and he left. You registered right about the same time FOSL left, and you type almost the same.